Youth Ministry: Grades 6-12

Latest Announcement

Announcements & Updates

  • June 5th (Wednesday): Welcome Night for 5th Graders from 7:00-8:30pm behind the church

  • June 12th (Wednesday): New Summer gathering time from 7:00-9:00pm

  • June 2nd (Sunday): Senior Sunday (a time of prayer dedicated to graduates during main service)

  • May 30th (Thursday): Mosaic Welcome Night (Young Adult Group) for high school graduates.


Jesus’ Final Prayer:

ThaT we would be one with God and the church

Someone’s last words are known to be what weighs on their heart the most. Did you know that Jesus’ final prayer was that you would be one with God and other believers?

What does it mean to be one with God and one with others? How do you get there?

Join us on Wednesday @7pm to learn why Jesus prayed for unity and know his great desires for your life!

One Call Now — Weekly Text Reminders

Want to stay up to date on important announcements, last-minute updates, and more? Email Collin Hicks with your name and phone number and request to be added to the texting system.


More to come in the future! Stay Tuned!



*NO GET-ROOTED on May 26th

Info / QUESTIONS / Waiver form…

If you have any questions regarding youth ministry at WFMC please email us: Collin@WilliamstonChurch.Org

 **Parents please note in order to participate in youth events off campus you must fill out waiver forms for your child located below! Thank you.

Waiver Form 2024

Meet The Team!

Collin Hicks (LEader)

Meet Collin! Collin began attending the youth group in 7th grade and has been a leader since he graduated from Williamston in 2020. He began leading the Youth Ministry in January 2024. In addition, Collin oversees the church’s young adult ministry, Mosaic.

“On Wednesday nights”, Collin says, “I spend a lot of time welcoming new students, developing relationships, and kicking butt in 9-square.”

His favorite snack is chicken in a biskit crackers with easy cheese and an orange Celsius.

Joel Andrejack

Meet Joel! Joel has attended WFMC his whole life and grew up in the youth group—which he has been serving since Fall 2018.

Joel brings a lot of joy to the students through his fun personality. This makes him the right man for producing the fun-filled weekly announcement and highlight videos, as well as directing Wednesday night gatherings.

Outside of youth group, Joel loves playing golf and basketball, camping, and going to the movies with friends.

Alexis Killinger

Meet Alexis! Alexis started attending WFMC in 2016 during her freshman year of high school, and attended youth group until she graduated from Stockbridge in 2020.

Alexis started serving as a leader in January 2022, and she is a champion in hanging with the students that don’t participate in the games.

Outside of youth, Alexis is a medical assistant at a doctor’s office and has a passion for coaching competitive cheer. All the while, she is taking college courses to become a child psychologist.


Meet Noah! Noah began attending YUP in the Summer of 2020 and has been a champion servant as both a student, and now a leader, since he graduated Williamston in Spring 2023.

Noah is currently working as a paraprofessional at the Williamston Elementary School. At YUP, he helps set up our tech equipment, and more importantly, is intentional in growing in his relationships with the students.

Noah has many fun hobbies including producing music, watching football with family, and playing video games.


Meet Anneli! Anneli began attending the youth group in 2016 and attended through most of high school.

Anneli is currently working at a coffee shop on MSU’s campus and will soon enter cosmetology school at Douglas J.

Anneli LOVES coffee and greatly enjoys playing soccer with her siblings. She also loves to draw and paint in her free time.


Meet Alyssa! Alyssa has been attending WFMC since April 2023 and serves on the Worship Team as a vocalist. Before planting herself at WFMC, she grew up through youth group.

Outside of church ministry, Alyssa glorifies God through her work as an orthodontist assistant in the local area. She loves to cook, spend time with family, and play music!

You will find Hot Cheetos and coffee to be her favorite snack and drink.


Meet Spencer! Spencer has been a member of WFMC his whole life and grew up through the youth group. He now serves as one of WFMC’s Worship Leaders while working full-time as a real estate agent. In addition, he helps invest into the youth worship team who leads the youth through a time of prayer and worship every Wednesday.

Spencer loves to both watch and play various sports, and you will find that his favorite snacks are gushers and Dot’s pretzels with a sweet tea.

Danielle Berger

Meet Danielle! Danielle has been attending WFMC for over twenty years and has served in youth ministry since 2011.

She attends the students’ events and special moments, and loves to chat with the girls and listen to what is going on in their lives. She also organizes a handful of events for the girls each year like cookie decorating, a corn maze, and other exciting activities.

Danielle loves to walk and talk with friends and finds joy in baking tasty treats!


Meet Pastor Al! Al is the head pastor here at WFMC. Before taking this role however, he faithfully served as WFMC’s youth pastor for 12 years!

Al can be found spending time outdoors with his wife (Danielle), their two children Elleah and Anthony, the youth leaders and hanging out with students.